Dr Leila Alieva
- Conflict resolution and peacebuilding
- Democratization
- Relations with the EU
- Political economy
- Conflict resolution and peacebuilding
- Democratization
- Relations with the EU
- Political economy
L. Alieva’s major interests cover Azerbaijan, Caucasus, Russia, Former Soviet Union; conflicts, (energy) security, democratization in the oil rich states, integration in the EU and NATO. She won fellowships to conduct her research projects in the area of conflict analysis and resolution, energy security, democracy building and political economy of oil rich states at Harvard University, Woodrow Wilson Center, UC Berkeley, participated in the work of group of Herbert Kelman at Harvard, was participant and advisor in many peace initiatives and dialogues for more than 2 decades, authored peer reviewed and policy papers in the area of conflicts and security of the FSU, as well as gave numerous talks and presentations on the topics world wide. She got her PhD in General Psychology. Institute of Psychology Davidov/Department of Psychology, Moscow State University,. Thesis: “A Cross Cultural Study of the Cognitive Aspects of Social Perception with Application of Semantic Differential” (Comparing cognitive stereotypes in Russian and Azerbaijani Social Perception).
International speaker at public and private universities, institutions, and conferences in the United States, United Kingdom, and elsewhere in Europe, India, since 1992. Addressed audience at Harvard, Columbia, George Mason, Stanford, Johns Hopkins SAIS, the Brookings Institution, Woodrow Willson Center, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory (UC Berkeley) the Foreign Service Institute (Washington, D.C.), the Royal Institute for International Affairs (London), University of London, University of Oxford, the World Affairs Council (New York), and advised the government agencies in the USA and Europe. Since 1993, participated in over 500 conferences as a panelist or discussant, including IPSA, AAASSS, ASN, Brussels Security Forum, Lennart Meri Conference, Halifax Security Forum, Prague Forum 2000. Regularly interviewed by the news agencies, such as BBC, Reuters, CNN, Al Jazeera, National Public Radio on the region, oil and politics, human rights, conflicts, democracy and security issues.
BBC interview
New Developments in the South Caucasus and the Role of Russia
Leyla Əliyeva: “İqtisadi islahat olacaq, amma nəzarət də olacaq”
Алиева-Манвелян-Гусейнов-Первая встреча после войны в Карабахе
The Nagorno-Karabakh Dilema
Featured publications
All publications
- The post-Soviet Legacies of the Karabagh Conflict November 2020
- The Karabagh conflict- why war? October 2020
- Hijacking Agenda, Hijacking an Ally; Mode of Rent Distribution and Implications for Opposition in Azerbaijan and Belarus.
- Brexit in the Context of Democracy under Threat December 2019
- How Autocracy Impedes De-Securitization: Case Study of Nagorno-Karabagh April 2018
Areas of Expertise
- Conflict resolution and peacebuilding
- Democratization
- Security and defence
- Political economy
- Euro-Atlantic integration
Regions of Expertise
- Azerbaijan
- Russia
- South Caucasus
- Russian
- English
- Azerbaijani
- Turkish
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